Search results for: Social Clubs and Groups, Sydney NSW 2000

220 results - showing 20 per page

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Tumut & District Mens Shed

A place for men to meet, make new friendships, have a chat and participate in activities such as woodworking, and socialsing. The aim is to improve the overall health...

0427 253 300

1 Yarra St
Tumut, NSW, 2720

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 306 km

Armidale PCYC

A drop in facility for young people to participate in activities and sports. Working with local police, it helps young people to develop skills, and reduce and prevent...

02 6772 1023

176 Rusden St
Armidale, NSW, 2350

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 313 km

Bombala Platypus Mens Shed

A place where men can meet to have a chat, use handiwork talents and learn something new, while developing friendships. Several activities are available. The focus is to...

02 6458 2143

138 Cathcart Rd
Bombala, NSW, 2632

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 335 km

Coffs Harbour Mens Shed

A place for men to meet, socialise and join in activities. It provides opportunity to make new friends, develop new skills and improve old ones, and to participate in...

02 6651 4159

138A Howard St
Coffs Harbour, NSW, 2450

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 375 km

Warren Men's Shed

A community based organisation that provides a meeting place for men to be involved in community activities and hobbies within a safe, friendly and healing environment....

0488 652 659

20 Thornton Ave
Warren, NSW, 2824

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 371 km

PCYC Wagga

Provides a range of safe and fun activities for children and young people, as well as adults. Recreational programs are available and give children and young people a...

02 6921 5873

11 Fitzhardinge st
Wagga Wagga, NSW, 2650

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 373 km

PCYC Coffs Harbour

Provides a range of safe and fun activities for children and young people, as well as adults. Recreational programs are available and give children and young people a...

02 6651 9961

74 Bray St
Coffs Harbour, NSW, 2450

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 375 km

Tottenham Men's Shed

A place for men to meet, socialise and join in activities. It provides opportunity to make new friends, develop new skills and improve old ones, and to participate in...

0417 471 478

100 Umang St
Tottenham, NSW, 2873

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 387 km

Ardlethan Men's Shed

A place for men to meet and develop new friendships while working on individual and community projects. It is an opportunity to learn new skills and improve old ones....

0429 344 228

Ariah St, Coolamon Shire Council
Ardlethan, NSW, 2665

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 401 km

Moree PCYC

Offers recreational programs and classes for young people in a supervised environment. It is aimed to reduce crime and reoffending, and assists with rehabilitation...

02 6752 3741

Boston Street
Moree, NSW, 2400

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 426 km

Mens Shed Nyngan

A place where men can meet to have a chat, use handiwork talents and learn something new, while developing friendships. Several activities are available. The aim is to...

0427 321 463

75 Cobar St
Nyngan, NSW, 2825

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 428 km

PCYC Albury

Provides a range of safe and fun activities for children and young people, as well as adults. Recreational programs are available and give children and young people a...

02 6021 7437

236 Andrews Street
East Albury, NSW, 2640

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 445 km

Clarence River U3A Men's Shed

A social environment for retired or semi retired men, 50 years and older. Offers social and leisure activities combined with community involvement, companionship and...

0427 746 482

130 Jubilee St
Townsend, NSW, 2463

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 448 km
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220 Total Results