Search results for: Population Groups, Sydney NSW 2000

2915 results - showing 20 per page

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Minerva School

A school for children in years K-12, who have a mild or moderate intellectual disability, emotional disturbance, autism or challenging behaviour. The school provides...

02 9521 3439

Eton St
Sutherland, NSW, 2232

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 21 km

Being Mums

An eight week group for mothers with babies up to a year old. The group is to share experiences and develop new skills, providing support to those mothers who are...

02 8287 1158

Mona Vale Memorial Hall, 1 Park St
Mona Vale, NSW, 2103

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 21 km

The Men's Table Hills District - MT7

The first Men's Table (MT1) began in 2011 with twelve men who have met once a month for dinner ever since. Each Men's Table comprises a dozen men who meet once a month...

1800 636 782 (1800 MENS TABLE)

Hornsby Heights, NSW, 2077

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region

Karitane Parenting Centre Carramar

We empower families by providing education, support and guidance for parents with children from newborn to 5 years. we work in partnership with you to identify your...

02 9794 2324 (Jade House), 02 9794 2366 (Reception)

138-150 The Horsley Drive
Carramar, NSW, 2163

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 23 km

Vinnies Van Mount Druitt & Parramatta

Provides friendship, compassion and dignity to those experiencing homelessness and social isolation, offering food and referrals. Offers a warm drink, snack and...

0468 578 590

Wentworthville, NSW, 2145

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region

Amelie Housing

Amelie provides appropriate, secure and affordable rental housing and works to create socially inclusive neighbourhoods. Amelie serves the homeless, the disadvantaged...

1800 950 575

Wentworthville, NSW, 2145

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region

Karabi Community and Development Services

Karabi is a non-profit community organisation that provides services, events and activities through our three community centres based at Constitution Hill, Seven Hills...

02 9631 6575

Karabi Wentworthville Centre, Cnr Darcy Rd and Fyall Ave
Wentworthville, NSW, 2145

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 23 km

Bears of Hope

A support service for families who lose their baby during pregnancy or infancy. Families receive a Bear of Hope from another bereaved family. Support is available to...

1300 114 673 (Grief Support), 1300 112 327 (General Enquiries)

Unit 45, 5 Gladstone Rd
Castle Hill, NSW, 2154

Distance from: Sydney NSW 2000 Operates from various locations in the region
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2915 Total Results